Top Three Book Workshop – Special 2021 Offer

When a book changes your life, you tell the world.

If you want the long of it on everything you’ll gain by joining Top Three Book Workshop, click here.

Here’s the short of it: Chances are that if you’re here, you already are familiar with me, with my workshop, and with the amazing community of authors who graduate from it.

Chances are that if you’re here reading this, you know you have a book in you. You know you have someone who needs your book, and probably a lot of someones do, too.

Chances are you’ve been waffling about the investment. I get it.

Straight talk: because of how much I’ve added to the workshop (including the ongoing support available to my alums), I’m raising my price in 2022 to $19,500. For the month of June, if you pay the current rate of $15,500 in full, you’ll get extra time with me plus access to additional programs.

You and I will meet three times over the summer in a one-on-one to plan a course of action. We’ll get you organized so that when workshop begins on September 13th, you’ll hit the ground running. You’ll have clarity. Most importantly you’ll have a mission: write the best possible book you can.

You’ll be given access to Test Drive Your Content, a seven-part video series that guides you through the process of testing your content to ensure your message works.

You’ll also be given access to one of my Mastercraft Workshops, Story Finder: Interview and Craft Impactful Stories. 

Three private sessions with me, access to learn how to test your content and a workshop on how to interview and turn those interviews into meaningful content.

I only have 10 spots left at the original workshop price and this offer ends on June 30th.

Let’s put great books out into the world.

“This has been a fantastic experience.”
Gena Cox, Ph.D, Industrial Psychologist and Executive Coach

You can write a book that people rave about. I’ll show you how.

Take advantage of current pricing:

Pay In Full

(Workshop + three addition 1:1s with me))

Still unsure? I’m happy to talk to you about whether or not my workshop is the right fit. Follow the link below to schedule a 20-minute call to discuss your concerns.

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